Sunday, September 28, 2014

Game On or That Was a Cool Half Pike

Admit it. We have been competing since the day we had our kids. I know I have and even if you want to take the higher road, deep down, I know you have been too. We’ve been competing for the Best Parent Award since our little ones popped out of the womb. I know you are reading those blogs about how we are all “doing our best and that’s okay.” And I’ve probably even written one (or many) along those lines. And to those I just want to quote Dr. Phil and say "Get Real." You wouldn’t have written that blog if you weren’t trying to point out how awesome you are at “just letting go” or being “hands free” – I am on to you!

It all started with birth. Did you go natural or did you use drugs? Just how many hours of labor were YOU in? How big of an episiotomy did you have? Look folks, I never said this contest wasn’t dirty – in fact, it is downright disgusting. To be honest, I don’t want to hear how much you “ripped” (holding back gag reflex) or if you had to be cut. Some details aren’t worth rehashing. I concede on this one – you win. I had an easy labor! I don’t even want to compete!

But on other fronts, I’m right up there in the starting blocks. Sometimes our competition is more obvious. Like when our kindergartners have to create a dinosaur and bring it to school. You could tell the seasoned parents from the newbies like I was. I thought my kid was supposed to lead the project. Turns out I’m just supposed to let him paint it carefully after I have constructed a life-sized dinosaur out of Paper Mache. Lesson learned. The second kid starts kindergarten next year and I’m already drawing up the blueprints!

Do you bake cookies from scratch or are they store bought? Oh, let’s lament how we can’t bake our own cupcakes for the school birthday snack, hand decorated because we went to the cake decorating class at Michaels, when in actuality, I’d probably buy the cupcakes anyway because I don’t have time to bake and I couldn’t frost the broad side of a house respectably. I will probably defriend you if you tell me you only use apple sauce for sugar – I like my cupcakes fully leaded. Are you the mom who shows up dressed in a cute outfit, in full makeup, at the field trip? I saw it as a day to go “slumming” in nonbusiness-casual attire. Did you catch that there? I’m so secure with my mom-ness, that I DON’T EVEN NEED TO DRESS UP FOR FIELD TRIPS – right there I’m competing. It’s a sickness! Can. Not. Stop!

And as we are nearing Halloween, do you go out and buy your costume or do you make it by hand? Oh, it was easy to stitch up that authentic Native American Pocahontas costume? No it wasn’t – and I tip my hat to you. You are the winner winner chicken dinner. And you also limit your child to one piece of candy and then sell the rest to the dentist? You get the award for Healthiest Parent but I’ll win Coolest Parent when I let my kid inhale candy on Halloween and even let them have a piece for breakfast the next morning. Look, you have to know your strengths.

This isn’t a blog about how we should just all get along and be secure with who we are exactly as we are, stretch marks and tummy tucks hugging it out over the homemade healthy snacks and artificially colored juice boxes. I’m just saying maybe we can admit that we are all a bit competitive and just ONCE want to be noticed as Best in Show in this lifelong contest of being a parent.

There’s really nothing wrong with a little healthy competition. We aren’t bitchy beauty queens, sabotaging the boob tape.  Instead I think of us as X-Games athletes – after an amazing run doing a cool new snowboarding trick, we all high five and want to learn it. And when we wipe out and fail epically, we reach out a hand to help you on your feet again, and then call the medic.

This parent stuff is a marathon not a sprint. I’m going to openly admit that I don’t win everything, nor should I. If you don’t win this round for having Technology Free Tuesday (oh yes my dearest girlfriend, I’m pointing at you), I have nothing to strive for. I have a girlfriend that dresses up for Walmart and seeing her made me realize I had been slacking off a little too much in the appearance category – there’s nothing wrong with slapping on a little makeup to feel good about yourself. Watching you do something better than I do makes me think whether that’s a change I want to make - will it make me or my children happier or healthier? Staying off our screens one night a week? Probably. And you inspire me to try to compete, to be better than I am right now. So lace them up friends, I’ve got a dinosaur and sugary cupcakes to make.

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