Monday, August 1, 2011

Toddlers Are Sponges or Why 7 Year Olds Aren't Teachers

Toddlers are amazing little beings.  They learn so much in the first few years and I've always had my suspicions that they are way smarter than they initially let on (this is a smart thing to do in and of itself.)  Rocco is closing in on the 2-year mark and his vocabulary has really taken off.  He repeats everything he hears, which, as Peter has found out, means that we really have to start watching what we say (or Peter really needs to start watching what he says).  I try teaching Rocco words like "watermelon," and "tractor."  Peter tries to avoid making him sound like a sailor.
Yesterday I took the kids for a trip to Target.  First, it's important to note that since Max is a 7-year old boy, all he thinks about is Pokemon.  I suppose I will fondly wish to get back to this stage when he is 17 and is thinking about something quite different, but for right now, the Pokemon thing is a bit annoying. Anyway, I use this little car trip as a learning opportunity for Rocco, pointing out and naming things along the route.  He seems mostly uninterested.  Then Max starts to "help" by trying to get Rocco to repeat Pokemon names.  And sure enough, in seconds Rocco is saying "Oshawott" which if you don't have a 7-year old boy, is a Pokemon.  Really?  This is what we are soaking into Rocco's moldable sponge-like little brain?  Pokemon names?  What if we reach Rocco's brain capacity and all he has in it is Pokemon names and swear words?  I am instantly flashing ahead to 7 more years of Pokemon as Rocco goes through the phase.  Freaking Pokemon!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes! My mom has always said that 2-year olds could run the world if only they had the vocabulary.

    Just make sure that you don't throw out any of the Pokemon stuff when Max outgrows it because you'll be really mad at yourself if you have to go buy all of it all over again!

    Also, my word verification is 'ungstrap' - a little known Pokemon character, perhaps? :)
