Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Sober Disappointment or Everyone Knows a Good Mom Drinks More

Tonight I managed to disappoint my oldest son without even trying.  I'm used to being a let down because I don't let him play his DSi until he develops a tic or because I question the 27th piece of candy he's eating or because I make him go to bed before I do.  But tonight I seemed to have sunk to a new low.  The problem?  I don't drink more.  Not water, milk, or juice.  Wine.  Maximus thinks I don't drink enough wine. 

How did I come to this conclusion?  Pete came upstairs while I was putting the Rockstar to bed and said Moose was upset and only wanted to talk to me.  Apparently Moose was in tears and Pete was grinning so I knew I was going to be hit with a doozy.   Thankfully Pete gave me warning because I would have laughed out loud at Max if I hadn't been prepared.  About a month ago Max brought me home a wine opener from his vacation with my folks.  This wine opener has sat, mostly unused, in my kitchen drawer, out of sight.  Somehow, completely out of the blue, Max remembered it and was beside himself that I hadn't used it much yet. 

What a funny situation.  When we were younger, we disappointed our parents with our poor judgment with drinking - heck, I've even disappointed myself sometimes!  But this was the first time I've disappointed my son because I don't drink enough.  So the next time I pop open a bottle of wine, I will be doing it so my son can be pleased with me.  Because everyone knows a glass of wine makes Mom a little happier, and I guess it makes her son happier too.  That's what I call taking one for the team.


  1. As I said on another Web site... Best. Kid. Ever. Wise beyond his years, though somehow I doubt you'll ever purchase him a wine opener...

  2. Max is so funny. If only he understood just how funny his little rant really was.
