Saturday, April 6, 2013

The New B-word or I Know You Are and So Am I

Those who  know me know that I am not shy to throw out a few swear words here and there. I've talked in past blogs about my colorful vocabulary and have stopped making apologies about it. But today I'd like to address a new swear word and it's one that I'm going to make a conscious effort to stop using. The B-word. Is this because I feel that the word "bitch" is derogatory? Well, sometimes it's an accurate description. And I much prefer to use it as a verb anyway. I can't give that up. No, the word I'm talking about is BUSY.

I've been giving this quite a bit of thought and have decided that "busy" is the new B-word. We all use it and frankly, it's getting too much play. "How are you?" The reply is always "busy" as if that describes an emotion. It's a cheater's way of getting out of replying to a question. And I am SO guilty of this. Does saying that I'M busy imply that you are not? "Oh, I'm so busy, you know, working full-time, commuting 90 minutes a day, running after the kids, baking from scratch, managing two sports schedules for one kid, volunteering, blah blah blah." Wow. Is anyone else thinking "hey lady, are you just trying to win this conversation or are you actually trying to make me hate you?" I'd venture to say that the B-word leads me to two other B-words - boring and bragging. Enough already! We get it. You are...busy. Snore and please don't call me again.

So I'm going to turn over a new leaf. From here on out, I'm going to do my best to avoid the word "busy." I'm going to acknowledge that we are all in the same boat and that saying we are busy is the same thing as saying "I'm breathing." In the meantime, I'm going to be trying out a list of other adjectives, such as peachy, swell, standing, overwhelmed, bitchin' (a b-word that is not off my list), and hungry. Chances are I am actually hungry.

Who's with me on my new crusade? It's time our children learn a different vocabulary that doesn't include this word, because in reality, busy is the new normal. Get over it, get creative and join me! Unless that is, you are too busy.

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