It's the start of a new school year which always makes me think of new beginnings. And new beginnings makes me think of New Year's and New Year's makes me think of resolutions. Hence, New School Year Resolutions, bigger and better than ever before! Here are my new overly confident and unrealistic expectations for myself:
1. Prepare an entire week's - no, MONTH's - worth of meals on a Sunday. What a great idea! I'm going to spend one of the two days I have off a week to bake and cook ahead. In theory this will mean that I won't be as stressed during the school week when it comes to dinnertime. In actuality, I'll forget to defrost one of these meals when I need it and we'll still end up at McDonald's.
Progress Report: So far I've made blueberry muffins from scratch, waffles to freeze, 5 dinners (also in the freezer) and prepped 2 containers of sweet corn. I'm exhausted and the muffins are half gone because I live in a house of locusts.
2. Make sure to include vegetables and fruit at every family meal - and of course those will be eaten together at the dinner table. I'm really good at prepping fruit each week but I admit that I suck at serving vegetables at dinner. Not anymore! From now on, we'll be serving all four food groups - or food from the pyramid - or food from the healthy plate - damn you Government for continuously changing what constitutes a visual aid for healthy eating! Heck, even I'm confused now. Okay, well, whatever the meal is supposed to contain, we are going to start serving it.
Progress Report: I've stocked the fridge with fresh fruits and vegetables and predict my boys still won't eat the veggies. My husband admits he won't be helping with the vegetables because he hates them too. Oh well, you can't serve them if you don't buy them and you can't throw them away if you don't make them in the first place.
3. Eat less dessert. Oh, the harmful effects of sugar! We are going to start eating fruit for dessert and pretending that the sweetness of a strawberry is just as satisfying as an ice cream cone. And for those of you who truly feel this way, we are no longer friends. It's a values thing.
Progress Report: I accidentally bought more Double Stuffed Oreos. Shoot.
4. Establish healthy bedtime routines. Each night at 7:30 p.m. we will read for the designated 30 minutes before bed, unrushed by the sports schedules that mean we eat dinner at 8:15 p.m. The kids will brush their teeth for 2 minutes and then scamper to bed, where they will promptly fall asleep in 10 minutes and will stay asleep until they cheerfully wake up at 6:30 a.m. They will then put on their clothes that we laid out a week in advance and eat a healthy breakfast.
Progress Report: I've been preparing for this one! Last week I started getting the kids out of bed before 9:30 a.m. But Saturday night we were out til 10 p.m. and Rocco NEEDED a late night pork chop at 10:15 p.m. They rolled out of bed at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday and I'm pretty sure Monday morning is going to be rough.
5. Create a methodical system for organizing all of the school papers, homework, etc. It makes sense to have a system in place so I can find every sheet that needs a signature as well as keep track of which kid needs to turn in which assignment at school on what day. This system will involve color coordination and files. I can hardly wait!
Progress Report: It's Sunday afternoon and I have school papers that need my signature scattered all over the dining room table. Rather than organizing them, I am blogging. It's not looking good so far. Although I did put milk money in Rocco's lunch account before I started writing so that's a start. And everyone knows that milk does a body good. Winning!
6. Stay calm and relaxed during the hectic school year, even with abrupt schedule changes and additions. Change is inevitable and I've always wanted to be one of those parents that looks so peaceful as they drive from one school to another, one practice to another, all while having healthy snacks in the car for their kids. I want that zen too dammit! This year is my year! I can feel it!
Progress Report: Tomorrow is Rocco's first day of Preschool/Pre-K. It also brings us Max's open house, band informational meeting and first football practice. Hyperventilation is already starting to set in. And Max hasn't even started school yet - that's Wednesday. Breathe, breathe.
7. Take care of myself because a healthy mom equals a happy family. Every women's magazine totes the importance of taking a bath, exfoliating, meditating and staying cool with the season's newest makeup palette. This year I'm always going to have a fresh nail color, glowing skin and that before mentioned zen. And I'll workout at least once a day - heck, I'll start walking or going to Pilates each day at work too in addition to hitting the gym before the kids wake up! Walking the dog each morning at dawn will provide me with the nature experience that will be the final piece of my well being. I will be the epitome of health, which we all know will positively affect my family.
Progress Report: Well, I did make it to the gym today. After a two week staycation with my friends, my workout routine is a bit dusty so when the alarm goes off at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow, I'm going to wish I had started establishing bedtime routines for myself! But I am drinking my first glass of water in 3 weeks so that's a great start! My nails are totally chipped so while I'm prepping our healthy dinner of frozen pizza tonight, I'm going to have to fix that. And if I walk each day at work, when am I going to have time to run to Target or get my brows waxed? Hmmm....
Needless to say, I have high expectations that often fall short. This being day one, I'm already recognizing that I might have bitten off more than I can chew. Bottom line, I'd like this school year to run smoothly. I'd like to feel as in control as possible with active kids. While my above intentions are great, realistically, I know that each day I'm going to just try to do my best. And next summer when I find those pre-made meals at the bottom of my deep freeze, I'm sure I'll set new resolutions that include EATING the meals I've prepped in advance. Enjoy the ride my friends - the bus ride that is.
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