Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The 2020 Top 10 List or Counting the Blessings

 Well I think we can all agree that 2020 was a shit show. But it wasn’t all bad. I found a few glimmers of clean counter space in this non-stop glitter bomb of a year. Here we go!

1.       This year my neighbor and I finally found time to go for that walk that we never had time for before. And since May, we have found time to walk together at least once a week. Beside the fresh air and Vitamin D, I developed an awesome new friendship that has added sparkle to this year.

2.       I read more than 50 books! My goal was to read 50 books this year and because things like that trip to Orlando and visiting my family in Ohio were canceled, I had plenty of time to read. Were they all intellectual? Oh no, not at all. But I still read over 50 books so…

3.       I started running consistently again! But this time because I want to. There was that period when gyms closed and I was driven outside to do something that I hate. But this time I liked it. And now my gym is open but I don’t go as much because I take my workout outside 2-3 times a week. I ran this morning and it was 18 degrees and I described the weather as “beautiful.” Maybe I’m losing my mind a bit…

4.       Moose is in culinary class this fall and it is fantastic. Every Friday he comes home with something new he made or makes the recipe for us later. He gets to make us chicken fried rice and pumpkin pancakes next week.

    5.       I made Thanksgiving dinner! It was a boneless turkey breast (because I need foods to not resemble animals as much as possible), mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and real gravy from scratch! Me! I did it! And it tasted good! We were all prepared to order a Casey’s pizza or puke our guts out due to food poisoning. But my meal was so good that the Squirrel said he hopes we have a pandemic next Thanksgiving so I make the meal again. Let’s not go crazy kid…

6.       I found courage I didn’t know I had. On top of a pandemic and a hurricane in Iowa, we started our year off with Moose’s broken leg and subsequent surgery and I had to put my dear sweet Dixie down in the fall. So. Hard. Those two moments about broke me, but you know what? They didn’t. I helped my 275-pound baby up and down the stairs on my own and I made the decision to put Dixie out of her misery. I still can’t believe I did either of those things, but I did. They were both good reminders that I can do hard things.

7.       I signed up for RYT 200 next year! I’ve been wanting to do this yoga training for a decade and I’m finally doing it. Granted, this training starts in 2021 but I started the process of looking at different programs, registering and paying for it in 2020 so it counts. Now to just read all those books…

8.       I started to volunteer for the local food pantry. I have more flexibility with my schedule since I’ve been working from home so I took a few volunteer hours at work and helped at the pantry. I loved it. Now I sign up for the Tuesday nights it’s open when the babies are at their dad’s – it is such a great way to spend my evening. I even signed up the boys to help during break so they can experience it too.

9.       And the dark horse of 2020? Discovering the Little Debbie Cherry Cordials. I bought them as a joke, planning on being completely disgusted because I hate cherry flavoring. But by golly I love these little treats. Now I fight off the boys for the 10th one in the box. I’m going to start hiding them under my bed soon.

Is there a number 10? No but I have hope. If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s that you can’t rule anything out. If we can have a worldwide pandemic, murder hornets and a hurricane in Iowa all within 9 months, then anything is possible.

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