Sunday, July 28, 2019

Step Stools versus Sweat or Even Very Smart Squirrels Shouldn’t Climb on my Counters

One of the best times with kids is when their personalities start to shine. I SWEAR that Squirrel was messing with me three days after he was born. He had just come off his feeding tube and we were trying to nurse and he just wouldn’t wake up. The nurse was saying if he didn’t eat at the next feeding, his feeding tube was going back in. I looked down to that little face and pleaded, “Baby, you gotta wake up and eat.” And I swear that sweet little angelic face smirked at me. I looked at the nurse and said, “Did you see that?” She said, “It looked like he smiled…” To this day I know that this was the Squirrel’s first time he screwed with me. And incidentally, that was one of the last meals he’s missed.

So this summer we had a huge fight that stemmed from climbing on my counters. Now that I’m a single mom, I’m a little more sensitive to my loving babies destroying my house because I’m the only one around to pay for repairs. Nothing like a single income to make you start paying more attention to how long a certain Squirrel takes a shower (over 20 minutes and that’s before the golden locks are washed!) or how a certain Moose likes to kick his soccer ball around my living room.
I walked into the kitchen and found my Squirrel climbing onto my counters to reach the highest shelf in the cabinet. I shooed him down and that is all it took. We went round and round about how he could get a chair or step stool to reach what he wanted but I didn’t want him climbing up my counters to reach things. Oh the indignation! I pointed out the obvious reasons for my irrational request –

His Logic
He has always climbed on the counters.
My Logic
He is bigger now and might hurt the counters.
His Response
So now I’m calling him fat!? (Well played)

My Logic
He could get hurt if he falls.
His Logic
He knows what he’s doing!
My Response
It just takes one slip. (Scoff)

Finally Squirrel looks me in the eye and says, “Sometimes life doesn’t need a step stool. Sometimes you gotta climb.” Mic drop. I looked at him and said, “That is one of the coolest things you’ve ever said.” My Squirrel knows a good thing when he hears it and played it off all nonchalant like he says great philosophical things all the time. I said, “You are right – sometimes you do have to climb. Sometimes you have to reach your goals and you can’t take the easy way to do it.” Feeling as though he has won this battle, he replied, “So you see, that’s why I climb on the counters.” Not so fast. “Um, no you still have to use the step stool – your metaphor is for life, not counters.  But I really liked what you said. That was so cool.” He slumped off, puzzled that his fight had fizzled out because I was too busy to think about his words to argue about how he needs to get off my counters. 

The Squirrel is dead on. While it is smart to find the easy way to accomplish a task, sometimes the hard work and sweat is what makes the outcome so sweet. Why drive 26.2 miles when you could run it? Why look at pictures of beautiful forests when you could go hike them? My experience has always shown me that when I work hard for something, I appreciate it so much more. Now whether the Squirrel realizes that his beautiful philosophical statement meant that creativity, perseverance and hard work are the keys to success, I’m not sure. But he’s really on to something.

Squirrel works hard to find the most challenging way to accomplish a task. He looks at situations in a totally unique way and finds the most creative, and sometimes poorly thought out, way to get things done. Moose works his tail off at sports. He goes in early to practices and stays late. I have been working on myself for years so I can bring my best to my babies and those around me. I didn’t know 7 years ago that I would need all of the tools that I have been building for this moment. It would be easy to skip this messy step in parenting as we adjust to our new normal and “use a step stool” and just let us all quietly crumble in our own ways. But I’m reading the books, chatting up the therapists, talking to the kids constantly and having quiet time of my own for deep reflection. Is this easy? No, it is one of the harder things I’ve done in life. But I know it will be worth it. Anything worth doing is hard. The few regrets I have in my life so far have been from taking the easier way instead of the healthier harder route. I am trying to learn from those mistakes.

I listened to a podcast recently that said our positive outcomes to our negative choices are apparent in the now. They are short term gains but with long term negative consequences. But our outcomes to our good choices, the hard choices, are more evident in 6 months or more from now. So when we make a choice, we need to think about how it will affect us in 6 months, not in an hour. For example I’m trying to feed my body better and frankly, it has made my days drag by to not have a sugar rush every few hours. (Don’t even ask if I’m giving up coffee. That is a ludicrous suggestion.) But when I want that Oreo and milk at 9 p.m., I think, will Jenny 6 months from now appreciate it? One Oreo isn’t going to impact me much today but the habit of reaching for sugar instead of just resting with my thoughts will become evident 6 months from now. So the hard work Moose puts into his sports now will hopefully pay off later. The creative ways the Squirrel attacks problems may have short term consequences but future Squirrel will keep learning from his wins and failures and will one day use those lessons to find ways to solve the world’s problems that we haven’t even considered yet. And if I keep doing the rumbling as a parent, asking the hard questions and staying present in the moment, we are all going to come through this messy season in a better healed place, glued together stronger than before as we move forward. Sometimes you have to climb, even if a step stool is easier. Unless it is my counters. Stay off of my counters. The step stool is within reach.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Love Is a Hard Skill or The Blog Where I Say Hope, High Road and Rise WAY Too Much

Recently I had the opportunity to hear the Executive Director of Character Counts speak. He was talking about passion and made the comment that love was a hard skill. Not a skill that is hard to do but that love is hard skill, like accounting, finance, engineering – the opposite of a soft skill. According to the interwebs, a hard skill is acquired and enhanced with training, repetition and practice (by this definition, scooping ice cream is a hard skill – if you don’t believe me, you didn’t work for my boss at Baskin Robbins.) And this just really resonated with me. Maybe because I’m in a season* where I am being challenged to up my love game**.

These last two years I learned what was love and what love wasn’t. I had to make some trust falls and hope people caught me, and the important people did. Some of the people I love the absolute most in this world need me to be there more than ever but they aren’t making it easy and I’m not my best self right now either. What I now know for sure is that if you are not constantly learning how to love and challenging yourself to be better - to love others better, to love yourself better - then you aren’t growing; you are just a stagnate pool of weird algae emotions. And nobody likes swampy feels.

My babies are going through one the hardest changes in life and need me to love them through it. And it can be so hard, so hard. They need my patience and my grace more than ever. They need me to rise above what I want to say and take a higher ground that some days is higher than I can reach. My Squirrel is testing me and I epically fail regularly. I go to bed at night and review all the ways I messed up and just hope that I can get up and be better for him the next day. Despite swearing off of parenting books, I am now reading one on how to help your kids deal with divorce – I wish I had read it sooner because guess what. He’s textbook – it’s just that his normal right now is challenging and scary for me. He is asking me to love as he pushes me away, and while it is easy to say you love everything about a person, the true test is when that person dares you to love him as he wrestles with his emotions. No matter what, I get up and stand by him again every morning. I recognize that the single act of trying again fresh each day is the love he needs right now. He is pushing me beyond the parent I am and I am growing and loving him better for it. Despite our battles, he will learn that he can’t get rid of his Mama, no matter how much he tries.

My Moose loves me and wants to protect me. I see that he wants to be there for me emotionally and that is so sweet. It comes from a good place. Easy love is letting him be an adult before he should and using him as a support system. But I’m still the Mama and that means I’m the one who does the supporting. The love Moose needs is me being gracious to people that have wounded me, trying to model rising above and letting him relax and be a kid. What did Michelle Obama say? When they go low, we go high. It is so much easier to say than do. Taking the higher road sucks. The oxygen is thinner up here and it gives me a headache. The high road is asking to hear all about the weekend I didn’t have with my babies with nothing in my heart but the hope that they had fun. No jealousy and no judgement. Lord help me. I am only human and sometimes I am just not proud of what that human heart feels. But loving my babies means that I have to be a better person than I feel like being for their sake.

Speaking of the Lord…trusting God to have my back requires me to trust in a love that is faith based – hoping beyond hope that things really will work out because of this concept of God’s love. It’s not easy, that’s for sure. It’s downright scary and not natural for me. But I am trying to accept a love I can’t understand. I am trying to grasp that someone might love me beyond my faults and have my best interests at heart. I am trying to understand and accept an unconditional love that does not ask me to be perfect or to prove myself worthy. So many of my relationships in life have felt like perfection and hustle were the cover charge. I am not used to asking for help without giving something in return. I am practicing this thing called praying, hoping it lands true.

Finally, I am practicing loving myself. Shit this is hard. For so long if I wasn’t perfect, I wasn’t worthy. And if you know me, you know I am far far far away from being perfect. If I could just hustle harder, be quiet, take care of all things, then maybe I’d be loved. And what I have learned is that I sacrificed myself to earn love – that’s a choice I have to forgive myself for. I have to love myself and that is all that I need. And I don’t have to be perfect to love myself. Now this isn’t easy. I’ll admit I’ve been having some more challenging days with this lately and just feeling kind of down. To kill some time while I was waiting the other day, I was deleting and filing old emails and I stumbled upon one I wrote to myself. If you remember back in February, I called it the Love Month and I decided to write myself a love letter. And there was a whole email in my inbox, written to me, from me, expressing my love for myself. Holy cow I could not have found that at a better time. I read it twice that day and I plan to read it at least once a week because I said some things that I needed to hear. If you can’t love yourself properly, you can’t expect others to do the same. If I could leave you with one action item today, it is this – write yourself a love letter, pouring it all out about what an amazing person you are. You never know when you are going to need to read it.

Love IS a hard skill. If we are lucky we are constantly stretched in our capacity to love. One of my favorite sayings is anything worth doing is hard. And love is worth doing. I believe that when we are given chances to grow, it means we will be asked to use those skills in the future. At some point we will be asked to rise up and, if we have been paying attention, we will have the new life tools necessary to be of service to someone who needs our help. I have had so many opportunities to improve my love muscle that my future must be full. I can’t wait.

*Oh my gosh I hate the phrase “season.” And yet, here I use it. #toomuchtherapy

**The new dating show on CBS coming up this fall. Insert eye roll here…