Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mom Moments that Parents Magazine Doesn't Feature aka Things I Hate

Just a few things I need to get off my chest...

A List of Mom-things I Hate To Do (look who found how to change font colors!)

1. Putting sheets on bunk bed mattresses.
2. Sewing patches on Scout shirts.
3. Yelling at my kids.
4. Not getting to eat ice cream for dinner.
5. Having to explain what a condom is when my son hears it on TV.
6. Paying daycare instead of buying a new car.
7. Having to be very careful where I put my copy of Fifty Shades of Grey.
8. Cleaning up pink throw up. Other colors I can manage.
9. Going to church to set a good example instead of getting to sleep in.
10. Going upstairs to put certain people to bed for the fourth time in the night, especially after I've painted my toenails.
11. Feeling guilty for leaving the house to work out, buy groceries, or go to dinner with girlfriends.
12. Matching little pairs of socks.
13. Making May Baskets (see post from May 2012).
14. Dealing with playground politics.
15. Dropping my kids off at school or daycare. I hate saying good-bye.
16. Working late.
17. Remembering to put money under the pillow for the tooth fairy.
18. Using a 5-point harness while running really short errands.
19. Having a constant supply of fruit snacks, holiday candy and pop tarts.
20. Stopping at one bowl of ice cream in front of the kiddos.
21. Hearing that I look like I am in my late 30's.
22. Being quizzed like I am an encyclopedia when I least expect it.
23. Explaining what an encyclopedia is because the 70's and 80's were SO long ago.
24. Feeling guilty for going to work and feeling guilty for staying home.
25. Baby. Weight.
26. Feeling like I have to make the obligatory comment about how motherhood is worth all of the above. Because that should go without saying. My list of things I love about being a mom is much longer than this list of things I hate to do. But Moms, sometimes it's okay just to admit that there is no glamour in cleaning  smeared poop off the walls - NO ONE loves that part of parenting. Add it to the list!

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